Thursday, July 22, 2010

What a great day!!

Okay so today i woke up bright and early to go to work and had a great day there there is two ladies at work that i just totally love they make me happy! even wehn the days arent so good! gotta love that!! well when i got off work i was thrown a bunch of things to do. I was on the phone with Chianne (aka Best Friend) trying to see if i was going to pick up Dallon (aka guy im dating) and driving around trying to get home! so crazy! and then i get home and clean super fast and then do everything at once haha i got to see Dallon before he left on his vacation which was great! He's the best! I later went to Chiannes and got to play WII and make dinner and play with Jeremiah (aka Chianne's Fiance!) They are awsome! What a day!

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you had such a fun day!! I am even more glad that you decided to make a blog!!
    Welcome to the addiction. :)
